DramaTime: LIVE!
DramaTime: Live! serves at Theatre Winter Haven’s Teen Ambassadors! This theatre troupe is home to students from 6th-12th grade. Every March, small groups of performers go into classrooms to share the exciting world of live theatre by linking the performing arts to literacy. Performers will play popular theatre games with the class, share Aesop’s fables using students for audience participation and discuss fable literary devices. The full program takes 45-60 minutes. They are available to perform a series of skits dealing with a variety of topics: Fables, Healthy Eating, Kindness, and more!
To book our DramaTime: Live! troupe for your next event or find out about their full repertoire, please contact Sara Catherine Barnes at saracatherine@theatrewinterhaven.
Auditions for DramaTime: Live! take place each fall semester.
For more information on bringing DramaTime: Live! To your school or organization please contact Sara Catherine Barnes at saracatherine@theatrewinterhaven.